[Durham INC] Applicant-Sponsored Neighborhood Meetings

Stephen Knill knillsj at gmail.com
Mon Aug 29 15:34:30 EDT 2022

They like to be in control- for better or worse. Maybe this time it’s for better. 

Stephen Knill
Mobile +1 917 620 4941
knillsj at gmail.com

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 29, 2022, at 3:29 PM, Mimi Kessler <mimikessler1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> The first few pages of the document I sent are the views of the Planning Department, put out under the signature of the Director and Assistant Directors. They use phrases like "extremely difficult to enforce compliance", "widely recognized as incompatible with residential uses", "land use policy change should be made by the governing bodies", "intended to circumvent all dimensional standards for new construction and immediately create nonconformities, essentially eliminating any form of zoning regulation for these properties". 
> None of that sounds like they are fans. 
> Mimi Kessler
> 919-599-2892
>> On Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 2:17 PM Ed Harrison <edcharrison at gmail.com> wrote:
>> If there is language in any Planning Dep’t document that shows “they are not fans”, it would help to get that distributed and made visible to Council Members.  Wondering if there is some way to induce a different tone from Habitat than what’s coming from Anthony Property Group. 
>> In some places, putting 5 dwellings where there are one can make overall sense, but only if adjacent to a zone that allows that density. 
>> This appears to be continuation of what the Council allowed the PD to start in 2006, after major revisions to state land use code:  ever more administrative control over development. 
>> Ed H
>>> On Aug 29, 2022, at 1:47 PM, Mimi Kessler <mimikessler1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I encourage as many people as possible to attend this meeting. The entertainment of this proposal by a single developer is unprecedented. No single resident has the ability to get this kind of attention from the Planning Department. It shows how fundamentally entitled developers are in getting their way and how handcuffed are the residents. 
>>> We have seen how text amendments of the UDO have side-stepped "due process" of what, in effect, is rezoning without notice: Because if the UDO is modified in this way, it does not require public notice (in signage) or rezoning notice (written information) to build 5 dwellings where there once was one. We won’t know until they have their building permit and the trees start coming down. 
>>> This proposal has little that will make things better for residents and not significantly increase Affordable Housing, though it is ostensibly being proposed for that reason. I have attached the document wherein the changes are articulated and the cover memo written by the Planning Department. They are not fans either, on the subject of the timing and the extensive relaxation of many fundamental standards. 
>>> I hope you will plan to attend the community meeting on Tuesday.
>>>> On Fri, Aug 26, 2022 at 5:55 PM bonita green <nitab48 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Applicant-Sponsored Neighborhood Meetings
>>>> Simplifying Code for Affordable Development (SCAD) Text Amendment (TC2200001) Open Call Meeting – August 30, 2022 
>>>> Anthony Property Group and Habitat for Humanity are conducting an in-person public meeting to discuss their proposal for a text amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). Their text amendment seeks to simplify the UDO to allow for more affordable development to be built in Durham. (Note: This is proposal was developed and submitted by a group of practitioners from the private field that does not include Durham City-County staff.)
>>>> Date: Tuesday, August 30th
>>>> Location: 1305 W Club Blvd., Durham, NC  27705 (go in through main entrance on W Club)
>>>> Time: 7:00 pm
>>>> Those who would like to attend that will need childcare or Spanish translation services, please email dave.olverson at tndpartners.com.
>>>> Please Note: The information found under this section of Applicant Sponsored Meetings is provided only as an additional form of notice and is not a requirement of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The Planning Department shares meeting information provided by applicants as a courtesy only.  As such, if a meeting is not listed here due to an oversight on the part of the applicant or the Planning Department, the meeting can still be held as long as all UDO mailed notice requirements were met per UDO Section 3.2.3, https://durham.municipal.codes/UDO/3.2.3.
>>>> Amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO)
>>>> There are two pending text amendments to the UDO that are still in process and that have not yet been scheduled for Planning Commission or Governing Body review at this time, they are listed below:
>>>> Planning Commission-Initiated Text Amendment is centered around the ways in which development can connect people: connections between streets, people, bicycles, and other forms of mobility 
>>>> Privately-Initiated Text Amendment is centered around simplifying the ordinance to allow for more affordable development to be built in Durham. This was developed and submitted by a group of practitioners from the private field that does not include staff.  
>>>> If you are interested in potential amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance, or would like to comment on upcoming amendments, you can find more information at durham.mysocialpinpoint.com/growthmanagement/land-use-home/ .
>>>> Durham’s New Comprehensive Plan Update
>>>> Durham is working on a new Comprehensive Plan, a long-range vision for our community! The Comprehensive Plan decides what can be built where in Durham. 
>>>> Thank you for your input on draft Comprehensive Plan policies!
>>>> The first engagement on draft policies that ran from late April through the end of June is now closed. Thank you to all the residents and staff who helped draft these policies, engaged residents on these drafts, and provided input on how to improve the draft policies!  Over the next couple months, staff will be reviewing all the input received and working to make the final draft policies better align with resident perspectives, priorities, and with the adopted Community Goals and Objectives. Staff will also be drafting an engagement summary that shares how we engaged and who we heard from. The engagement summary will be published along with a full de-identified version of all the input we received during this phase. 
>>>> More input opportunities will be coming!
>>>> This recent engagement phase is not the end of opportunities for the community to review and provide feedback on the draft plan components. We will continue to take feedback and to incorporate feedback as we revise the draft policies this summer. In the fall we will release a draft of the full plan and will again seek feedback and incorporate revisions before the plan is brought to our elected officials for adoption. Residents will continue to have opportunities to review, ask questions, get answers, and provide comments up to and through the adoption process. We anticipate the adoption process will begin this winter (late 2022 or early 2023).
>>>> If you have feedback or questions, please feel free to contact ENGAGEDurham at DurhamNC.gov and please sign up for our mailing list to ensure you receive future project updates!
>>>> be a kind human
>>>> Bonita Green
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>>> <UDO Text Amendment TC2200001_Pvt Developer Initiated 8-2022.pdf>_______________________________________________
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