[Durham INC] Homeowner/occupier call to action on ecofragment & extinction: a brief primer and why it matters.

Debra Hawkins dhawkins913311 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 13 14:48:24 EDT 2023

On recent thoughts mentioned in topics/threads here (simply disregard /
delete if not interested) - since this has been my life's work I have
shared a link to a brief article (audio) about a major factor in the mass
extinction underway of the creatures I've sworn to protect with all the
spare hours life and fortune have somehow allotted to me - and the
surprising amount that each person who is a current steward over any patch
of private land can do in collaboration with adjacent neighbors and local
communities to reverse the carnage (& damage) before it's too late.

Many are understandably focused on human sorrows in their multitudes at
this time on planet Earth, but the remedies and solutions cannot work
without including the suffering and impact our human foibles are having on
the many other creatures we share this little orb with -- and completely
depend upon for our own and our descendants' futures.

Individually we can actually have an impact, and through mutual aid for
species other than our own, we can magnify that by so much... but there is
limited time to act, and what we do now... not tomorrow or next season or
after work and social entertainments - will matter.

Here is the brief listen (surprisingly rich with fascinating new data &
evidence from the generation of scientists who've come after me and taking
up the baton from me and my peers)...and the new book from the guest
speaker has just been added digital and hard copy by our county library.
(Crossings by Ben Goldfarb). (Also explore personal action and remedies
with Noah's Garden by Sara Stein.)

Sending out ripples in hopes of growing this movement... If even one person
who sees this shares on it (cross post as wished) or takes an action in
their yard or neighborhood (or beyond) it will have mattered. Thank you.

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