[Durham INC] Thank you (Duke Rezoning)

Jeannine Privat, BANA President burchavenueneighborhood at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 12:49:31 EDT 2024

Thank you for your support, John. Our neighborhood appreciates it.

While I have been disappointed with some of our conversations, I would like
to make clear that we have had conversations both with Duke representatives
*,* as well as their Morningstar attorney.

We have made (and continue to make) a good faith effort to communicate with
both Duke representatives and their Morningstar attorney. We have met with
a good number of Duke folks, many of whom I can only say good things about.
Still, the most recent revision of the application reflecting Duke's
institutional priorities did not provide those commitments our neighborhood
feels are necessary to maintain the safety, character, and quiet enjoyment
of our Burch Avenue neighborhood.

Our neighborhood hopes to have the continued support of fellow Durham
neighbors in INC as this process moves forward. We'll be in touch with


On Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 5:27 PM John Schelp via INC-list <
inc-list at lists.deltaforce.net> wrote:

> Thank you, Richard for taking the time to share these details with
> everyone.
> Very troubling that the Duke administration is no longer even talking with
> neighborhoods on these zoning issues, opting instead to hire lawyers.
> Killing regional rail, pulling funds from the Bull City Connector, driving
> gentrification and now hiring lawyers to oppose neighborhoods on zoning
> issues.
> Action speaks louder than words. Seems like Duke is doing all it can to
> undermine town-gown relations.
> -John Schelp
> I want to thank everyone who wrote letters and/or came out last Tuesday
> night to speak against the Duke rezoning requests.
> The Planning Commission recommended *not *to approve the additions to
> East Campus UC(D) in an 8-1 vote, recommended *not* to approve the
> requested tier change, 5-4, but* did *recommend to approve the requested
> additions to Central Campus UC(D), again 8-1.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycfAKXThe6s
> 2:02:34 Vote on tier change fails (5-4 “no”)
> 2:03:59 Vote on East Campus additions to UC(D) fails (8-1 “no”)
> 2:21:30 Vote on Central Campus additions to UC(D) passes (8-1 “yes”)
> I'm not sure if my emails to the INC listserv are getting through so I
> have BCC'd a few INC people. If any of you who I have BCC'd do not see
> something from me on the INC listserv, and you should have, please let me
> know.
> Thanks!
> Richard Ziglar
> Burch Ave
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